
A sustainable laboratory

A sustainable laboratory

Since 2020, CEMES has undertaken a sustainable approach in its operations. Its main objective is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and the environmental impact of its activity while maintaining quality research.

Several working groups have been set up to:

1) calculate the annual GHG balance sheet using the GHG 1 point 5 tool ( and thus establish a quantified basis of emissions according to different items

2) take measures to reduce emissions from buildings and fluids, transport (missions and home/work daily journeys), daily life and research practices. Awareness-raising activities (Climate Fresk workshop, “Did you know?” thematic sheets) are carried out in parallel.

Since 2021, CEMES has been a pilot laboratory of the Labos 1point5 collective created in 2019 by members of the academic world, from all disciplines and all over France, sharing a common objective: to better understand and reduce the impact of scientific research activities on the environment, in particular on the climate. The Labos 1point5 research group (GDR), which is based on the collective’s methodology, is supported by the CNRS, INRAE, ADEME and INRIA.

Infrared thermography image of the Boule | AYAV campaign – Let’s go by bike! |The Climate Fresk workshop