A new bike shelter at CEMES thanks to the Low Carbon AAP!

A new bicycle shelter has just been installed at CEMES. It offers 8 secure, weather-protected parking spaces and is equipped with a pumping system.

The shelter was funded under the CNRS’s first call for ‘Low Carbon’ projects. CEMES was one of the 32 winners out of 93 projects submitted for this call.

The installation of this equipment is part of the list of actions carried out at the laboratory in recent years to promote soft mobility such as cycling:
– Creation of a bicycle room (maintenance, repair and refurbishment of bicycles on loan)
– Self-service bicycles (financed by the FERMI federation)
– Bicycle budget as part of the Sustainable Lab
– Participation in AYAV (Allons y à vélo) events organised by 2 Pieds 2 Roues and Maison du Vélo
– Cycle trip to Carla-Bayle (Ariège) for the internal seminar last June
– …